Be alert for impersonators calling as Cinfed employees, attempting to get your card or account information. Hang up immediately and call Cinfed directly at 513-333-3800.

"Unpaid Tolls" Text Message Scam

Cinfed members have reported a rise in fraudulent text messages requesting payment for unpaid tolls across Ohio and the United States.

Be aware that Ohio Turnpike does NOT ask for payment of unpaid tolls through text message.

If you provided your personal information through one of these fraudulent links, call our Contact Center at 513-333-3800.  

Fraud Prevention: What You Need to Know

Cinfed's Fraud Prevention Fundamentals

  1. Cinfed will never contact you to ask for personal information such as an account number, PIN, or social security number, so do not share it unless YOU initiate the communication.
  2. Do not click on links in unexpected messages (texts, emails, and social media messages) that ask for personal information or account confirmation, especially if they try to create a false sense of urgency.
  3. Beware of social media “friends” whom you have never met and have no other connection to you – yet ask for money or personal information. Do not be lured by “easy money” schemes that involve sending or receiving money or packages. If it seems too good to be true, it is!
  4. Set up alerts for your accounts so you will be notified of any transactions. By knowing immediately about potentially fraudulent charges, you can take preventive steps if necessary. Also, during your next in-branch visit, add a Security Keyword to your account for another layer of protection. Your keyword could be a combination of numbers and/or words that only you would know. 
  5. Use Cinfed’s resources to check on the status of your account: the Cinfed Mobile App or online with Cinfed Digital Banking. If you have any questions about a message you received from Cinfed, call our Contact Center (513-333-3800) or your nearest branch location. If you question it, always check with us first.

Keep Your Cinfed Account Safe

Members can establish a more secure login to their account through Google Authenticator* or your preferred authenticator app.

Cinfed recommends adding two-factor authentication to keep your money — and your identity — protected.

For questions about access to your account, contact Cinfed’s eServices department at 513-333-6349 or


How To Prevent Fraud & Identity Theft

Scammers are continuing to find new ways to obtain your personal information. Review the following articles to help better recognize scam attempts.

Fraud Prevention In The News

Nearly everyone should be aware of fraud and Identity theft. Here are three helpful links from national media coverage of the issue.

*Google Authenticator is a trademark of Google LLC