Be alert for impersonators calling as Cinfed employees, attempting to get your card or account information. Hang up immediately and call Cinfed directly at 513-333-3800.
Three tips to keep your child safe online

As a parent, being aware of the potential dangers your child could be exposed to online is an important responsibility. With most children spending an average of four hours per day browsing the internet, it can become difficult to avoid risky situations. Here are three talking points to have with your child to help keep them safe online.
Teach Them to Protect Their Information
Educate your child on the seriousness of engaging with strangers. Whether they are playing a videogame or searching Google, they could be contacted by a scammer who may have public information about them. Emphasize with them to never reveal their name, address, phone number or other information to someone they have not met or do not know. If they are asked to share such information online, ask them to come to you or another trusted adult.
Establish A Set Of Rules
Some parents might be unable to monitor their child’s every move online. If this situation applies to you, consider establishing a set of rules surrounding acceptable and non-acceptable behavior. The age of your child could impact which rules to set, however the following can be used for children at any age:
- Determine which apps and websites can be visited without supervision
- Set a daily time limit on devices
- Restrict engagement through private direct messages and social networks such as Snapchat, game chats, etc.
Have an open conversation with your child about online threats (both received and sent) and cyberbullying. 55% of students aged 13-17 years old reported that they experienced cyberbullying at least one time in 2023.
Emphasize with them your intentions of looking out for their overall well-being. Any type of harassment, embarrassment or threat online can cause significant distress, or even self-harm in some cases. Consider using a software to block specific content or websites from your child. This could help limit their exposure to harmful content.
Bottom Line
Be a trusted adult in your child’s network. Never refrain from telling them to come to you for guidance and support if they become uncomfortable or receive threats online. The digital world continues to evolve with new trends and dangers. Start having discussions with your child at a young age, explaining the importance of privacy and the risk of sharing personal information throughout their life.