Cinfed Bridge Loans
Helping you transition through one phase of homebuying to another.
A Bridge Loan is a unique loan solution that provides the short-term financing you need.
How A Bridge Loan Works:
Use The Equity In Your Current Home As Collateral For Your New Home.
With a Bridge Loan, the equity is used as a down payment (collateral) for the new home you are buying or building. Once you have acquired your loan, you will have the option to make interest only payments for up to 12 months, or until you close on your new home. At this point, the bridge loan is refinanced and converted into a permanent mortgage for your new home.
Because the loan term is 12 months, we do not offer escrow for taxes and insurance on bridge loans. We are happy to set up an escrow account when you refinance your new home. In the meantime, insurance and taxes will need to be paid when they are due.