Be Smart With Your Money. Seriously.
It’s time to take control of your finances — the right way. We’re here to help: what you need to know and what to avoid, so you pass “Adulting 101” with flying colors.
The Place To Start With Your Finances
How To Win Adulting 101
You have a lot of options… but as you get started, a few basic building blocks will go a long way toward your long-term success.
Cinfed can help you put those pieces together — and give you a boost as you begin!
- Start with a Kasasa checking account. Get cash back on your debit card purchases, pay bills, and monitor your account via mobile app. Plus — we’ll give you a $100 bonus when you open an account with recurring direct deposit.1
- Plan for your future with a Smart30 certificate: save for a new car, a vacation, a wedding….whatever your dream is. Start with as little as $50 — and we’ll help you out by matching your first $50.2
- Build your credit score with a Cinfed Secured Mastercard®. It’s a safe way to establish your financial track record.
Someone To Talk To
You’re not in this alone. Our Financial Coaches provide advice and guidance in a “no judgement” zone at no cost or obligation. You can schedule an appointment at your convenience for a one-on-one conversation about your money — and how it can start working for you.
You can do research on your own, too. The Cinfed Financial Education Center is a free online resource that addresses dozens of topics. You can get your questions answered about credit cards, mortgages, auto loans, and more — at your speed, in an interactive and engaging way.
Be smart with your money — get started with help from Cinfed.
1Rates and rewards are variable and may change after account is opened. Account approval, conditions, qualifications, limits, timeframes, enrollments, log-ons and other requirements apply. Qualifications and rewards may vary by account. Monthly receipt of electronic statements, log into online banking, and twelve (12) debit card transactions are conditions of this account. When Kasasa Cash Back qualifications are met during a Monthly Qualification Cycle, you will receive 4.00% cash back on up to a total of $100.00 in debit card purchases that post and settle to the account during that cycle period. A maximum of $4.00 cash back may be earned per Monthly Qualification Cycle. You will also receive reimbursements up to $20.00 for nationwide ATM fees incurred during the Monthly Qualification Cycle in which you qualified. Cash back payments and ATM fee reimbursements will be credited to your Kasasa Cash Back account on the last day of statement cycle. When Kasasa Cash Back qualifications are not met no cash back payments are made and ATM fees are not refunded. Account transactions and activities may take one or more days to post and settle to the account and all must do so during the Monthly Qualification Cycle in order to qualify for the account’s rewards. ATM-processed transactions do not count toward qualifying debit card transactions. Transfers between accounts do not count as qualifying transactions. “Monthly Qualification Cycle” means a period beginning one (1) day prior to the first day of the current statement cycle through one (1) day prior to the close of the current statement cycle. If member has a Kasasa Saver account, cash back payments earned in Kasasa Cash Back are automatically transferred to Kasasa Saver each statement cycle. If qualifications are met in your Kasasa Cash or Kasasa Cash Back account during the Monthly Qualification Cycle, the balance in the Kasasa Saver earns 2.25% APY. If Kasasa Cash or Cash Back qualifications are not met, the balance in the Kasasa Saver earns 0.05% APY. Limit one (1) Kasasa checking and Saver per social security number. View schedule of fees.
2Smart30 requirements: minimum $50 opening deposit. One per member. Only one penalty-free withdrawal. One-time $50 bonus will be added directly to qualifying Smart30 account 60 days after account opening. Maximum deposit of $20,000. Member must wait 6 months to open a new Smart30 after closing one prior to maturity. Not available on IRA/HSA accounts.